When I saw those beautiful pecans at the market the other day, I couldn’t pass them up. Pecans can be hard to find here, and while I’m usually all for local food, I just can’t find local pecans. They come whole, not shelled, so for two afternoons, I shucked my pecans. Thumbs raw and cut to shreds, and most of the pecans in pieces, I finally got all of the pecans separated from their shells this afternoon.

Though I love pecan pie (who am I kidding? All pie), I have never been particularly gifted with pie crusts. They tear or become tough or just fall apart. I’ve read countless articles trying to troubleshoot my pie crust which was suffering from any one of several possible problems. This is the first pie crust I have ever made which I haven’t botched. It came out tender and moist, and beautifully flaky. Even if you have horrible luck with pie crusts, give this a try. Just keep your hands, rolling pin, and counter lightly floured, and this is one pie crust that won’t let you down.
